Wednesday, December 16, 2009

• What outcomes did you not achieve? What prevented you from achieving them?

The area that I still feel uneasy about is the amount of training I have received in technology tools. As much as I want to incorporate all the technology into my classroom, I want to feel comfortable doing it. I do not want to fear the tools that I am using not working in my classroom when I am in the middle of a lesson. This seems to be a fear for most teachers and why most teachers do not use much technology in their classrooms. They feel it is unreliable, and at times I have to agree with them. As much as I enjoy technology and the great things it does for students learning, it can sometimes be a huge pain. When I am in the middle of lesson, the last thing I want to happen is for the computer to freeze or shut down and then I lose all my teaching information. I really think this fear is what keeps teachers distant from technology still today. I would like there to be more training for teachers so they feel comfortable using technology all the time in their classrooms.

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